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Customer Service concept: customer satisfaction is our existence value.
No customer satisfaction, we would not value. And a worthless enterprise, it is impossible to continue to exist. Therefore, we must be sincere, active, professional, efficient, comprehensive, user-friendly for the customer service, in pursuit of the highest customer satisfaction is our goal, customer satisfaction is our existence value.
Sincerely - dedication to customer service.
Initiative - not only in a timely manner in response to user drip service requirements, but also to continue to service through a full implementation of the plan, the system for users to solve problems you might encounter.
Professional - strict compliance with our commitment to service, and in accordance with the provisions and scope of services, standards and processes to provide users with professional service.
Efficient - services must be effective, rather than limited to a resounding slogan. The effectiveness of cloud services built on a high degree of awareness of service staff and stakeholders with individual employees on the institutional guarantee.
Full - Cloud services are not covered by a point but a surface covering technical services and quality of services, and thus derived dimensions.
Humane - seeks to avoid blunt approach to service, so that customers have "inspiring" feeling, is cloud goal.


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